Lesson Thirteen: Putting It Together

Okay, everyone take a deep breath.

Now let it out.

You've just completed Phase One of the First Cycle course. If you choose

to study

them, Phase Two and Three still lay ahead. But before we get to far ahead

of ourselves,

let's do a quick recap and look at what we've learned so far and decide

what our next step will be.

If you've completed all of the lessons from this course, you've learned

how to sense,

raise, and channel energy. You can create a ritual from scratch, for any

reason that you

may need one. You understand how to determine if a spell is necessary

and, if you need

one, you can create one in the same manner that you write your rituals.

You've begun

to explore the concepts of sacred space, both within your home and in an


environment. You've connected with the Goddess and the God, with the sun

and the

moon, and with the Elements which make up all of life. You now have an


of Esbats and Sabbats to explore your own practice with. There is nothing

lacking in

your training. At this point, right now, if you find that this path is

right for you, you

have more than earned the right to call yourself a Witch.

If you've leapt at this course and are studying it before Phase Two

becomes available,

you're going to have a little bit of time to fill. If you've just

discovered it and Phase Two

waits, beckoning, I'd advise taking a little time off and practice what

you've already

learned before moving on to the new lessons - even if it's just a month

or two. Apply

what you've learned. Use these concepts and techniques.

There is a reason we refer to it as "practicing" Witchcraft after all.

You may be asking, "Winter, I've finished Phase One. I've developed this


sacred site as you've asked, but you haven't had us do anything else with

it." Feel free

to go back to it. Connect with the energy. Instead of holding a ritual

inside, go hold it

outdoors. In Phase Two and Three, we'll be working with the site more,

but for now

simply begin experiencing its energy. You have all the tools at your

disposal, right now,

to work with the site. In the coming sections of this course, we're

simply going to apply

advanced techniques and principles to heighten your work with Nature and

Mother Earth.

Go back over the material you've covered. Ask yourself, "What do I want

to learn?

What do I want to connect with?" and apply the concepts and techniques


learned already. Being a Witch isn't something that you're born doing;

it's a path that is

earned. Practice, study, and practice some more and you'll be well on

your way to finding what you seek.

Just as many of the lessons from Phase One built upon the previous

material, weaving it

into concepts and techniques you could use, so will the coming Phases

continue to build

on the material you've learned here. The better grasp you have on the

material we've

covered here, the more quickly you'll absorb the coming Phases of this

course. We're

going to work deep into the Craft and cover a great deal of material.

There's a spirit realm

to work with, the earth's energy to heal, shamanic journeys to travel on,

techniques for

personal growth to develop and use, mythology to understand and create,

and entire worlds to explore.

I congratulate you on finishing Phase One of The First Cycle course. And

I wish you well

in your journey. If you haven't found what you're looking for here, I

truly hope that you'll

find your heart's desire on whatever path your spirit leads you. And if

you've found your

spiritual home in the lessons I share, I am truly honored and blessed to

have had a tiny part in that.

And just think, there's much more to come...

The First Cycle course is written by Graelan Wintertide

and is © 1999 All Rights Reserved